
Distributed Propulsion Aircraft Wing

(Courtesy of Image: OpenVSP)

Relevant Paper(s)

Aeroelasticity of Truss-braced Wing

NASA Boeing X-66A Sustainable Flight Demonstrator
(Source: NASA)

SUGAR TBW WTM Flutter test_Trim.mp4

Flutter Test of Truss-braced Wing Wind-tunnel Model (Credit: NASA)

Relevant Paper(s)

Model details of TBW WTM can be found in NASA reports on SUGAR project.

Flutter of Very Flexible Structures

Geometric non linearity effect shows a significant effect on the flutter speed of a very thin plate, which helps to increase the bending and torsional stiffness of a very thin plate, resulting in a larger separation between bending and torsion frequencies. Therefore, a higher flutter speed is observed.

(Credit of wind tunnel: Virginia Tech AOE Department)


Relevant Paper(s)

Flight Dynamics and Aeroelasticity of Flexible Wing

The coupling of flight dynamics and aeroelasticity of flexible wing resulting in body freedom flutter. 


Flight test


Numerical simulation

Relevant Paper(s)